I started with a nice glycerin soap. It is made locally in Sherwood, Or. I love buying fancy soaps but I never use them. They smell great, look pretty, and everyone reaches for the liquid soap instead. This is a great way to use up those soaps you have laying around.
Bar of glycerin soap
1 tsp glycerin
4 drops of Tea tree oil
10 drops or more to your liking of Lavender essential oil
2 Tablespoons of Oil {Olive oil and grape seed works well.}
Aloe Vera and Vitamin E
1 gallon water
I have found that using different soaps brings different results. I always start with half the water.
I used Meadow foam Oil, I have it on hand for some soon to be made body butter.
Add the grated soap and melt. Then I add the rest of the ingredients and let it sit over night.
The last Body wash I made was very liquid for many hours so I poured it in to my container. It turned to gel overnight and was difficult to pour out. I have learned to let it sit overnight. This soap was still liquid in the morning. I decided to heat it and let the liquid evaporate off. I let it simmer with the lid off for a half hour and then let it cool. By the afternoon it was lumpy and gel. I then blended it with my hand blender. It came out creamy and very nice.
I used a recycled soap bottle and added a quick label with chalk paint. The oil in the wash does not leave a residue but does leave my hands soft and not dried out like bar soaps usually do
Cheaper soaps may need more glycerin while better quality soaps may not need it at all. It is a bit of a gamble on how much of water, glycerin, and oils. The best thing to do is start with less water and let it set. If it is to stiff then add in more water and blend. I check the soap by using some to make sure I am not watering it down to much. A smaller bar will use less water.
Here is m first Body wash How to.
Linked at http://www.pincushioncreations.com/

How is the lather of the body wash?