Monday, February 20, 2012

How to for a Grab button with box


I finally figured out the grab button and box.  It is now in my sidebar and I wanted to share the link for creating your own. 

If you already have a picture created go ahead and follow the instructions and you will have your own box.  If you need to make a button go to and sign up for free.  You only have until April 19 and they close down so use it now.  Go to collage and pick a color and a square shape.  You are going to resixe it so it really does not matter how big as along as it is square.  This is your background and hit done.  Next add in words and stickers as you like.  Save it and go to and sign up for free.  Upload the button and resize it to 120x120, which is common.  Then go to the tutorial link above to create your button. 
While your at it, add my button to your blog.

Happy Blogging!!
Tricia Marie

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